Deep learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on training artificial neural networks to learn and make predictions from large amounts of data. It involves the use of multiple layers of interconnected units, known as artificial neurons, to mimic the complex workings of the human brain. Deep learning algorithms have been widely successful in solving a variety of challenging tasks in computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition. The following are some popular examples of deep learning techniques:
Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN): GANs consist of two neural networks that work together. One network called the generator, creates new data instances that resemble the training data, while the other network called the discriminator, tries to correctly classify whether the generated data is real or fake. By competing against each other, GANs have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in generating realistic images, music, and texts.
Object Detection: Deep learning has substantially improved object detection systems by allowing automatic identification and localization of objects within images or videos. Techniques such as region-based convolutional neural networks (RCNN), You Only Look Once (YOLO), and Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) employ deep neural networks to accurately detect and classify objects in real-time.
Natural Language Processing (NLP): Deep learning has revolutionized NLP tasks such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, and question answering. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformers, a type of deep learning architecture, have enabled machines to understand and generate natural language by capturing contextual information and long-term dependencies in text.
Speech Recognition: Deep learning-based models like recurrent neural networks, particularly long short-term memory (LSTM), have significantly advanced automatic speech recognition systems. With the power of deep learning, speech recognition technology has become more accurate, enabling applications like voice assistants, transcription services, and real-time language translation.
Deep learning continues to play a transformative role in computer science, enabling computers to perform intricate tasks that were previously considered challenging for machines. As research and advancements in deep learning continue to progress, the scope for its applications in various domains is expanding, leading to significant breakthroughs in AI.
@article{FC2FC_2022,title={تمام متصل به تمام پیچشی: پلی به گذشته},author={امینطوسی, محمود},journal={رایانش نرم و فناوری اطلاعات},year={2022},number={1},pages={60-72},volume={11},address={},language={persian},note={{Fully Connected to Fully Convolutional: Road to Yesterday}},publisher={دانشگاه صنعتی نوشیروانی بابل},}
انتقال سبک برای افزایش دادههای آموزشی شبکههای کانولوشنی در شناسایی شعلۀ آتش
@article{ST_for_DA_2022,title={انتقال سبک برای افزایش دادههای آموزشی شبکههای کانولوشنی در شناسایی شعلۀ آتش},author={امینطوسی, محمود},journal={هوش محاسباتی در مهندسی برق},year={2022},volume={13},number={4},pages={97-114},address={},language={persian},publisher={دانشگاه اصفهان},issn={2251-6530},eissn={2252-083X},doi={10.22108/isee.2021.124044.1490},note={{Style Transfer for Data Augmentation in Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Fire Detection}},}
Prediction of CO and PM10 in Cold and Warm Seasons and Survey of the Effect of Instability Indices on Contaminants Using Artificial Neural Network: A Case Study in Tehran City
R. Farhadi, M. Hadavifar, M. Moeinaddini, and 1 more author
Iranian (Iranica) Journal of Energy & Environment, اسفند 2022
Today, air pollution in urban areas is a major issue that have been affecting human health and the environment. Over the years artificial neural network methods has been used for prediction of pollutants concentration in many metropolitans. In the present study data were obtained from department of environment and air quality controlling stations in city of Tehran from March 2012 to October 2013. Prediction of CO and PM10 contaminations during cold and warm seasons under the influence of instability indices and meteorological parameters was done using the artificial neural network. Results of the modeling process showed that the highest correlation coefficient was obtained 0.84 for PM10 in warm season. On the contrary, the highest correlation coefficient of CO in cold season was 0.78. Also, the effect of instability indices on air pollution was investigated. The highest CO concentration occurred during cold seasons (R2= 0.81), while the lowest concentration was in warm season (R2= 0.72). In case of PM, the highest concentration occurred during warm seasons (R2= 0.84), while the lowest concentration was in cold season (R2=0.75).
@article{Farhadi2022,author={Farhadi, R. and Hadavifar, M. and Moeinaddini, M. and Amintoosi, M.},title={Prediction of CO and PM10 in Cold and Warm Seasons and Survey of the Effect of Instability Indices on Contaminants Using Artificial Neural Network: A Case Study in Tehran City},journal={Iranian (Iranica) Journal of Energy \& Environment},volume={13},number={1},pages={71-78},year={2022},publisher={Babol Noshirvani University of Technology},issn={2079-2115},eissn={2079-2123},doi={10.5829/ijee.2022.13.01.08},keywords={Artificial Neural Network,Carbon monoxide,Instability indices,Particle matters,Regression},}
ترکیب روش منظمسازی تُنُک و آسیب مغزی بهینه در کوچکسازی یک مدل یادگیری عمیق
@article{Reg-OBD-Corona-Detection,title={ترکیب روش منظمسازی تُنُک و آسیب مغزی بهینه در کوچکسازی یک مدل یادگیری عمیق },author={امینطوسی, محمود},journal={ ماشین بینایی و پردازش تصویر},year={2021},number={1},pages={31--45},volume={9},address={},language={persian},note={{Combining a Regularization Method and the Optimal Brain Damage Method for Reducing a Deep Learning Model Size}},}
Overlapping Clusters in Cluster Graph Convolutional Networks
@article{GCN-JAC2021,author={Amintoosi, Mahmood},title={Overlapping Clusters in Cluster Graph Convolutional Networks},journal={Journal of Algorithms and Computation},volume={53},number={2},pages={33--45},year={2021},}
کاربرد بسط تیلور در کاهش حجم شبکه های عصبی پیچشی برای طبقه بندی نقاشی های سبک امپرسیونیسم و مینیاتور
@article{TaylorExpansion_in_CNN_prunning99,title={کاربرد بسط تیلور در کاهش حجم شبکه های عصبی پیچشی برای طبقه بندی نقاشی های سبک امپرسیونیسم و مینیاتور},author={امینطوسی, محمود},journal={نشریه ریاضی و جامعه},year={2020},number={1},pages={1--16},volume={5},address={دانشگاه اصفهان},language={persian},note={{The Application of Taylor Expansion in Reducing the Size of Convolutional Neural Networks for Classifying Impressionism and Miniature Style Paintings}},}
Prediction of the Air Quality by Artificial Neural Network Using Instability Indices in the City of Tehran-Iran
Razieh Farhadi, Mojtaba Hadavifar, Mazaher Moeinaddini, and 1 more author
Today, the air pollution is a serious environmental problem becoming global concern for human beings Air quality is influenced by emissions, meteorological parameters and topography. The effect of these parameters can be predicted using statistical methods. In current study, the data in the period of March 2012 to October 2013 are used. These data have been gathered from the stations of the Department of Environment and Air Quality Control Organization (Azadi and Sharif stations) in Tehran city. The main purpose was to predict the air quality of the next day and emissions of carbon monoxide and suspended particles under the influence of instability indices and meteorological parameters using the Artificial Neural Network. Results of modeling process showed that the concentration of pollutants is strongly influenced by meteorological parameters. In addition, prediction of the PM10 concentration of the next day using meteorological parameters (RMSE=29.03, R=0.76), instability indices and meteorological parameters (RMSE=28.13, R=0.76) were better than those obtained for AQI predicted by meteorological parameters (RMSE=20.81, R=0.50) and instability indices and meteorological parameters (RMSE=19.23, R=0.47). In general, the predicted values of PM10 and CO were better compared to AQI. It can be concluded that artificial neural network couldn’t load the model properly for AQI compared to PM10.
@article{Farhadi2019,author={Farhadi, Razieh and Hadavifar, Mojtaba and Moeinaddini, Mazaher and Amintoosi, Mahmood},title={Prediction of the Air Quality by Artificial Neural Network Using Instability Indices in the City of Tehran-Iran},journal={AUT Journal of Civil Engineering},year={2019},volume={},number={},pages={-},issn={2588-2899},doi={10.22060/ajce.2019.17018.5609},}
A Genetic-Neuro Algorithm for Tiling Problems with Rotation and Reflection of Figures
@article{Monsefi02agenetic,title={A Genetic-Neuro Algorithm for Tiling Problems with Rotation and Reflection of Figures},author={Monsefi, R. and Amintoosi, M.},journal={Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B},year={2002},month=dec,note={Indexed by {{ACM}}},number={B4},pages={693-700},volume={26},address={Shiraz University},}