FUM Computer Science Department adopts docusaurus for its new curriculum website

The Computer Science Department of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM) has recently launched a new website for its Bachelor of Science program in Computer Science, using docusaurus, an open-source static site generator powered by React.

The new website, available at fum-cs.github.io, features the updated curriculum, course descriptions, learning outcomes, and other information for students and faculty. The website also supports Persian right-to-left text, thanks to the flexibility and customization of docusaurus.

Docusaurus is a tool that helps teams create websites with content written in Markdown, and provides out-of-the-box features such as documentation, blogging, localization, search, and theme customizations. Docusaurus is used by thousands of organizations, including Facebook, Supabase, Temporal, and Testing Library.

The FUM Computer Science Department decided to use docusaurus after facing some challenges with the previous methods of hosting the curriculum website on GitHub (with mkdocs) and GitBook. These methods had some problems with rendering Persian right-to-left text, formatting, and navigation.

The new website, built with docusaurus, solves these problems and offers a better user experience for both the visitors and the contributors of the website. The website is also hosted on GitHub Pages, which makes it easy to update and maintain.

The FUM Computer Science Department invites all students and faculty to visit the new website and provide feedback and suggestions. The department also welcomes contributions from the community to improve the website and the curriculum.

The new website was developed with the major contribution of Mr. Masih Sajadi, a student of the FUM Computer Science Department, who migrated the content from the previous forms to docusaurus framework. The department appreciates his efforts and skills in creating this website.